January 18, 2024 Update
Hospitality and Welcome Committee
We invite all to experience peace, beauty, and joy radiated by our campus and congregation. There is a new energy and a spirit of warm welcome to all within our community that is being generated at St. Boniface. There are five groups that presently comprise the Hospitality and Welcome experience. Together we strive to ensure the community is fortified and transformed through our actions and unconditional love.
Objectives Achieved:
- Wholly conversation and coffee hour and Wednesday night prayer and potluck have grown well as intended and planned: Foyers launched post Covid.
- Assisted with distribution of new permanent name tags to facilitate communication.
- New website launched in Fall of 2024.
- Assisted in the execution of the Festival of Service in January 2024.
- Provided photographs that illustrate how we are joyful, hospitable, and welcoming to be used on social media and our weekly newsletter.
- Began communication with clergy on a model for our Sunday bulletin that facilitates parishioners getting to know each other better and possible greater attendance at events.
Next Steps:
- Continue to educate ourselves and our community about what are [and are not] best practices in hospitality and welcome. Implement new ideas as appropriate.
- Continue to support ‘internal’ ministries at St. Boniface to host and have tables/reps at wholly conversation and coffee hour in order to get ongoing exposure through the year.
- Continue to work with clergy, for example, on ways to best acknowledge special events in the lives of individuals, for example birthdays, anniversaries, and other special times.
- Continue to work with clergy on communication methods such as Sunday bulletin.