Senior Warden
Bob Woody
Junior Warden
Kay Goodman
Suzanne Barksdale
David Eichlin
Donna Conyers
Betsie Danner
Kay Goodman
Justin Miller
Cass Anderson
Suzanne Barksdale
Prill Nugent
Bob Woody
Marjorie Floyd
Carol Gilchrist
Kendra Hunter
Dick Smoot
The Boniface Vestry is composed of 12 persons who are elected at the Parish Annual Meeting to three-year terms. A member may serve only two consecutive three-year terms. For continuity, members are elected for staggered terms in groups of four, so that each year we have four new members, four members one year into their term and four members two years into their term. The Senior Warden and Junior Warden each serve one-year terms and may serve additional terms. The Senior Warden is appointed by the Rector from Vestry membership, and the Junior Warden is elected by the Vestry from its membership. The Vestry meets monthly on a regular basis in person, with Zoom available to members who are ill or traveling.
The Vestry is responsible for ensuring the proper administration of parish finances and the care and maintenance of its buildings, grounds, and other assets. It also chooses or nominates persons for parish leadership and representation. The Vestry is responsible for the formulation and implementation of the Parish Strategic Plan. Each Vestry member serves on one of the three “pillar” committees: Congregational Team Building, Hospitality and Welcome, and Caring for Youths and Families. These committees meet monthly, and the Facilitators for these committees also meet monthly to ensure that implementation of the Strategic Plan is coordinated and advancing.
The purpose of our Strategic Plan is to empower, equip, and enable Boniface members to live into stewardship of their time, talent, and treasure. We are a joyful and inclusive Christian community. Our mission is to live and reflect God’s love through worship, teaching, healing, and outreach to all creation. Our vision is that St Boniface will be a community that transforms the greater community through action and unconditional love. This is our work and commitment.
Strategic Plan 2022
Click on the month for minutes of that meeting.
For more information, contact the Clerk of the Vestry.
Mailing Address:
St. Boniface Episcopal Church
5615 Midnight Pass Rd,
Sarasota, FL 34242
Main phone number:
(941) 349-5616
Fax: (941) 349-0519
St. Boniface Episcopal Church is tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3), your donations may be tax-deductible.
All Rights Reserved | St. Boniface Episcopal Church on Siesta Key