Our Mission and Vision

We are a joyful and inclusive Christian community. Our mission is to live and reflect God's love through worship, teaching, healing, and outreach to all creation.

We envision that our Church community will transform the greater community through action and unconditional love.

We're Glad You're Here

Newcomer Information

Whether you are new to this community or are returning after a time away, we are grateful that you have found St. Boniface. 

Everyone is welcome and included at St. Boniface because we believe that the Kingdom of God contains a vast multitude and diversity of persons, identities, and orientations, and that each of us is at a different place along our spiritual journey. All individuals and families are invited into the full sacramental life and worship of the church and encouraged to participate in leadership, ministry, and service at all levels. 

We want you to be comfortable in our community and will do whatever we can to help you feel welcome here. Feel free to ask questions of anyone you encounter. Above all, please know how glad we are that you are here.  

Visit the Who We Are page for a welcome letter from our Rector and more information about St. Boniface. 

Upcoming Music Events

Click Here for Tickets

St. Boniface is proud to be the Sarasota home of Candlelight Concerts. For tickets, information and questions go to feverup.com or click the button below.

Candlelight Concerts Tickets and Info

What's New!

LAST FRIDAY LUNCH AT THE REZ—Volunteer your time, talent, and treasure to help feed the homeless a hot lunch just one Friday per month. Simple but nutritious meals for 60 to 70 people are needed. Learn about the logistics, choose a date for helping, and see some sample meal plans here.

The April Giving Tree benefits Streets of Paradise. This non-profit organization is committed to fighting homelessness with dignity and grace. Donations will be accepted through April. Read more on how you can help.

Want to know more about our Vestry's decisions? The Vestry meeting minutes are available at the bottom of our Vestry page.  Read on here. 

What are the pillars of our Strategic Plan? Read more. On Sunday, January 19, the Servant Ministry & Leadership Team will be surveying ministry leaders. Leaders will be asked to reflect on the successes of the past year, to name challenges and changes, and to envision new possibilities in their ministry areas. This is a great time for all in the parish to engage in a new ministry.

On the first Sunday of each month, our church school children serve in vested roles or in the choir during the 10 am service. They are learning how to be a crucifer or torch-bearer, to lead prayers, and to acolyte.

Click Here for Tickets

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